January 2025
Q1 2025 market update with James Penny
In our latest Through the Lens episode, TAM's Chief Investment Officer James Penny discusses the driving forces behind the strong US market performance in 2024, and areas of underperformance across global markets. He discusses how these market movements impacted our investment portfolios, and concludes with TAM's market outlook and investment positioning for 2025.
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January 2024
A Sharia investing outlook with Francis Banzon
Francis reviews the key changes to the TAM Sharia portfolios and tells us what's in the pipeline for the year ahead.
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January 2024
A sustainable investing outlook with Dan Babington
Daniel reflects on a very mixed year for sustainable investing and looks at the diversification and opportunities for 2024.
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January 2024
A market outlook with James Penny
James looks ahead to 2024 and the investment opportunities outside of the market leaders.
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October 2023
How we invest for a sustainable world
In our latest sustainable investing video update, we hear from TAM portfolio manager Daniel Babington. Daniel discusses the exciting opportunities driving our move from TAM ESG to TAM Sustainable World, and how we have developed the portfolio range to have a greater focus on positive contributions to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. He also offers a sneak peek into how these investments will be brought to life in our upcoming sustainability blog. Daniel concludes the video by explaining why TAM are feeling so optimistic for the outlook in sustainable investing, and how TAM’s Sustainable World portfolios are being designed to benefit from this. If you would like to speak with us about anything from our latest sustainable investing video update, or to discuss our discretionary investment management services in general, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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October 2023
A review of Q3 and outlook for Q4
In our latest Through the Lens episode, we hear from TAM's CEO Lester Petch and CIO James Penny. Lester kicks off by discussing the growth of TAM in 2023, and the recent focus and support for Consumer Duty and charitable giving. James then reviews the market environment in Q3, looking at the moderation of the euphoria for artificial intelligence and tech. He also provides us with his outlook and strategy for Q4, focussing on inflation and its impact on markets and portfolios. If you would like to speak with us about anything from our latest video update, or to discuss our discretionary investment management services in general, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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July 2023
A review of Q2 and outlook for Q3 2023
In our latest Through the Lens instalment, TAM's James Penny and Dan Babington discuss the second quarter and review TAM's global asset allocation. James then looks specifically at the bond market, followed by Dan who delves into the ESG market and our Sustainable World portfolios. They close the conversation with a market outlook and insight into our strategy for the second half of the year. Chapters: 00:57 - Global Asset Allocation 09:36 - Bond Market Review 14:44 - ESG & Sustainability 19:38 - Investment Outlook
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April 2023
A review of Q1 and outlook for Q2 2023
In our latest instalment of Through the Lens, Lester provides us with an update on TAM's corporate activity, specifically, where we rated in Defaqto’s DFM Satisfaction Study, and where we are currently in our sustainability journey. James then takes the reins and provides us with an overview of how markets fared in the first quarter of the year, an insight into how our portfolios performed, how we were positioned, and what our outlook and strategy is going in to Q2 and beyond.
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January 2023
An outlook for 2023
TAM CIO James Penny and portfolio manager Daniel Babington jump in front of the camera to provide us with their outlook for the year ahead.
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October 2022
A review of Q3 and outlook for Q4 2022
TAM CIO James Penny is back in front of the camera to provide us with an overview of how markets fared in the third quarter of 2022, an insight into how our portfolios performed, how we were positioned, and what our outlook and strategy is going in to Q4. We hope you enjoy watching and as ever if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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July 2022
TAM Through the Lens - A review of Q2 and outlook for Q3 2022
Our latest video update will provide you with an overview of how markets fared in the second quarter of 2022, an insight into how our portfolios performed, how we were positioned, and what our outlook and strategy is going in to Q3. You will also find out about other developments at TAM, such as the launch of our Client Carbon Footprint Commitment, an update on You Give We Give, and details of our exciting #TAMPedalforPeace charity cycle challenge later this month. We hope you enjoy watching!
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April 2022
TAM Through the Lens - What we've been up to and where we are going
Through the Lens returns for 2022! Lester and James are back in front of the camera to update you on all things TAM. They will take a look at what we were up to in Q1, in particular the launch of our exciting new sustainability initiatives. They will also review how our portfolios fared in Q1, what the markets are doing and how we are positioned this quarter, and importantly what our outlook and strategy is for the months to come. We hope you enjoy watching and as ever, if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
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October 2021
TAM Through the Lens - Looking back at Q3 and forward to Q4 and beyond
Lester and James are back in front of the camera and in this episode they take a look back at Q3, and give us their outlook for the final quarter of the year and beyond in to 2022.
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September 2021
TAM Through the Lens - Adapting to a post-pandemic world
We're back! After a year away from your screens, TAM CEO Lester Petch and CIO James Penny are finally back in the spotlight for the long-awaited return of our Through the Lens video series. In our latest episode, Lester and James are focussing on distribution. They discuss how TAM have navigated through the pandemic, and how we are adapting to a post-COVID world. They also review TAM's latest partnerships, and let you in on some exciting developments from our European operation. We are delighted to be back on your screens and hope you enjoy watching!
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December 2019
TAM Through the Lens - A review of 2019 and outlook for 2020
In our final instalment of 2019, Lester and James provide us with an overview of how markets have fared this year, an insight into how our portfolios performed, how we were positioned, and what our outlook and strategy is going in to 2020. James talks to us about the results of the 2019 General Election and why he believes a Conservative government is the most positive outcome for TAM and its clients. Lester lets us in on some exciting corporate developments, speaking to us about the launch of our brand new European office and why he's not worried about the impending Brexit deadline.
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December 2019
TAM Through the Lens - An ethical investing special
Our latest Through the Lens instalment is an ethical investing special. Lester and James are back in the spotlight talking to us about the ever-growing demand they are seeing for our ethical and Sharia investment proposition, why they think this demand is so high, and why they are confident in dispelling certain ethical investing myths.
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July 2019
TAM Through the Lens - A six month review
Through the Lens is back again with the first instalment for 2019 and in the spotlight are our CEO Lester Petch, and Senior Investment Manager James Penny. Lester and James provide us with an overview of how markets fared in the first 6 months of 2019, an insight into how our portfolios performed and how we were positioned. James highlights some of our clients' concerns and what we are doing to mitigate those, and Lester lets us in on some exciting corporate developments, and what the next 6 months has in store for TAM.
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March 2019
TAM Through the Lens - An ISA season special
Whether you are saving for your first house, your child's education or to simply start building a nest egg, TAM may have the investment solution for you. James jumps in front of the camera to talk to us about the power of long-term investing, the wide range of portfolio options available, and all the benefits of an ISA that clients could, and should, take advantage of.
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December 2018
TAM Through the Lens - A review of 2018 and outlook for 2019
Through the Lens is back again this month with our senior investment manager James Penny once more in the spotlight. As we approach the end of the year, we asked James to tell us what he believed to be the main challenges for investing in 2018 and how this compared to 2017, the headlines currently dominating the news and why they're not making him nervous. James also talks to us about TAM's intentions for navigating the markets as we enter 2019, and all that there is to remain positive about for the new year.
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November 2018
TAM launches Through the Lens
TAM kicks off our brand new 'Through the Lens' video series with a message from our senior investment manager, James Penny. James talks to us about October's unprecedented market volatility, investments in which he is seeing great value but also those he is avoiding, and of course - Brexit, and what it means for UK investing.
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